Thursday, September 23, 2010

Predicting Factors of Addiction

Drugs were originally made to benefit the public by improving human health; introducing the notion of modern medicine. However, there is a side effect of having this new form of modernism that was not foreseen: abuse of prescription drugs. When these prescription medicines are used improperly they cause problems for the drug user and society.
So what causes someone to become addicted?
The answer is complex just like the causes that contribute to drug addiction. Some causes are still unknown and unclear. Some factors of drug addiction are known, such as your environment, heredity, and biochemical reactions inside your brain. Repeated drug use, usually for drugs that are easy to get a hold of like prescription drugs, causes the user to become dependent, addicted. Tolerance to these drugs plays a large role and constitutes physical dependency. To feel the same effect of the drug, the drug user has to take larger amounts each time. When an addiction cannot be controlled and the drug abuser cannot get a hold of the drug, they will experience what is known as withdrawal symptoms. When there is no physical dependency, there can a psychological dependency on the drugs, especially with drugs such as marijuana. The drug user will develop an emotional compulsive need to get a hold of the drug. Addiction is usually defined by a combination of compulsion to use the drugs and being preoccupied to get the substances.
All of this talk of physical and psychological dependency leads to try to uncover the truth of the rumor of an addictive personality. The truth is that drug addiction can be genetically inherited. The theory is that a person most likely inherited several factors that increase their risk for drug addiction to occur. Psychological and environmental aspects also play a part in the addiction. Some of these factors that can cause someone to use drugs are stress, anxiety, family disorders, lack of self-esteem, peer and social pressures, and bad living conditions.
 If you have come across our article, is because you or someone you love is in need of help for drug addiction. Cove Center for Recovery is an Addiction Treatment Facility offering a premier drug addiction treatment program featuring both residential addiction treatment and non residential addiction treatment. Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During the addiction treatment process we will work with the client to identify the factors that may have contributed to their addiction– home, work, relationships and medical history. We also believe that families have a vital role to play in the recovery process, and each program has a place for family participation, to educate them in the addiction treatment process and to equip them for their role as supporters.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

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