Wednesday, January 12, 2011


An Eating Disorder is an addiction. It begins as a “self-medicating” behavior, surrounding weight loss and food issues. It progresses to an obsession and an addiction. Eating Disorders are treatment worthy, much the same as drug addiction. Eating Disorders include behavior demonstrated in a Cycle of Addiction. The root causes of drug and alcohol addiction are the same or similar to eating disorders. Instead of using drugs and alcohol to self-medicate, an Anorexic or Bulimic uses starvation and excessive exercise to self medicate, in an effort to resolve inner-personal challenges, struggles, or conflicts. Eating disorders may also be co-occurring with drug or alcohol addiction or a result or consequence of drug or alcohol addiction.

The most effective and long-lasting treatment for eating disorders begins with an appropriate assessment of the individual. If hospitalization is required, as in acute cases, individuals and their family and/or friends are strongly encouraged to seek immediate direction of a physician. The physician may require the individual enter a hospital for stabilization.

Once stabilization has occurred an addiction treatment program is recommended. Entrance into an addiction treatment center is recommended, due to the complexity of root causes for eating disorders and the addictive nature of an eating disorder. The treatment center should be one that focuses on all aspects of eating disorders, psychotherapy, recovery, and aftercare.

The HALO program at the Cove Center for Recovery provides medical care, nutrition and self image therapeutic intervention, in conjunction with individual psychotherapy, trauma therapy, gender specific therapy, meditation, art therapy music therapy, physical exercise program, and a “FUN IN RECOVERY” program.
The daily schedule begins in the Residences, with morning life skills. Life skills include preparing a morning meal, cleaning the kitchen, making the bed, and leaving the residence clean and tidy.

The daily schedule continues in the Addiction Treatment Center, with morning groups for inspiration and goal setting. Psychotherapy, individual therapy, and other modalities of therapy continue throughout the day, along with educational lectures. At lunch time, individuals return to the residences to prepare and eat lunch. After lunch and relaxation, individuals return to the treatment center, for the remainder of the day. The early evening schedule includes a variety of activities, depending on the weather and the season.

The weekend schedule changes depending on scheduled family sessions and activities.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:

Eating Disorder Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Eating Disorder Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

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