Friday, December 31, 2010

What is Salvia and is It Legal?

After former Disney star Miley Cyrus emerged on a video, on the celebrity gossip website, allegedly smoking a bong filled with salvia, a lot of people are curious to know, what is salvia? And is it legal?

Native to the lush tropics of Mexico, one of the latest recreational hallucinogens on the drug scene “Salvia” has become yet another dangerous fad amongst teens across the country. Derived from an addition of Salvinorum A, to plants, this recreational drug also known as "diviner's sage" and "magic mint." has been used by the shamans of Mexico for centuries due to its healing and medicinal properties. With user descriptions reminiscent of “as strong as imaginable”, and quick side effects that allow an individual to experience its effects in a matter of minutes, there is no doubt this drug has succeeded in lurking its way in a drug world that for decades has been fighting with the pervasiveness of illegal substances.

The prevalence of Salvia in the drug world has raised many concerns due to its legality. Currently not regulated by U.S federal drug laws, this hot commodity has dangerously become an affordable and surprisingly legal way to currently experience the hallucinogenic effects of other banned drugs. It is currently legal to use Salvia in over 38 states and it is widely available in forms varying from dried leaves and extracts to live plants!

Many researchers have denied the public health risk factors of Salvia and have even reported that it “does not affect the heart rate” nor does it cause “blood pressure changes”. And animal study indicates that the drug is “not addictive”. But the result of several Canadian surveys indicated a large number of Salvia users feared for their safety after experimenting with this hallucinogenic drug. Some individuals even found themselves in life threatening situations after using the drug.

With its long term effects unknown to researchers, we have yet to determine the detrimental results of using this recreational drug and It seems that it is only a matter of time before the use of this newly admired narcotic, available to be purchased online by all its susceptible users, will become more and more prevalent.

Concerned about a loved one using illegal drugs. Have questions?

If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention contact us:

Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

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