Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Breakthroughs offer hope to millions of people struggling with the disease of drug and alcohol addictions

NEW ORLEANS –  There could be good news on the horizon in  US, as far as drug use is concerned. Louisiana, specially after hurricane Katrina, as well as other cities in US have seen their share of rise in drug use. Now there is hope that new drugs are coming to the market which can prevent and treat addiction. The way these drugs interact with alcohol and drug addiction is that they prevent a drug user from getting any pleasure from using the drugs.

Knowing that the only reason that an alcohol or drug abuser gets involved with drugs is the pleasure he or she receives from those drugs, this could be the breakthrough that can turn the tide in the battle against drug addiction.
The significance of this victory on drug addiction is put in perspective when you realize that the root causes of many crimes from petty theft to gang murders are drug related. One can only imagine the ripple effect of making drug use unappealing to millions of drug addicts, when the real effect of it will be felt by every single one of us.

As important as the consequential effect of reducing drug use is for the society as a whole, the immediate effect of it will be  seen and felt in the lives of many individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Once and for all, the drug and alcohol abusers locked in the vicious circle of addiction, sober life, relapse and back to addiction can get their lives back.
Hope can be offered to drug and alcohol addicts, and families can be put back together again.
Dr. Nora Volkow, the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, recently at a conference in New Orleans confirmed that there are vaccines in the works against the powerful addictions of nicotine and cocaine.

These vaccines keep the drugs from getting to the brain thus avoiding the drug user the pleasure offered by those drugs to the users. The good news that she delivered was that the nicotine vaccine is going through the final stage of testing in the next year.  She added that doctors are hard at work developing medications to help those addicted to cocaine and marijuana as well.

According to Dr. Volkow, another breakthrough discovery is the understanding that 50 to 70 percent of one’s vulnerability to become addicted to drugs is determined by the genes one inherits.  This explains why some of us need to self mediate to deal with the daily stresses of life and others can deal with stress without any need for drugs.

Without any doubt, these breakthroughs offer hope to addicts and non-addicts who are affected by the disease of addiction and alcoholism. However, we should be equally aware of the fact that we are not going to solve the drug addiction problem any time soon.  The best we can expect is to reduce the number of addiction cases and prevent new cases of drug addiction by any means possible, including education and medication.

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug abuse or addiction and is in need of help, Cove Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Center offers a flexible and affordable addiction treatment program. Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During the addiction treatment process we will work with the client to identify the factors that may have contributed to you drug abuse – home, work, relationships and medical history. We also believe that families have a vital role to play in the recovery process, and each addiction treatment program has a place for family participation, to educate them in the treatment process and to equip them for their role as supporters.

Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information information you are looking for is not found here you may contact us:

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

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