We have all heard that drugs are dangerous and risky. That addiction can ruin lives. Yet with all of the facts that adults hear over the years, many adults still choose to use drugs becoming victims of addiction. Prescription drug abuse is becoming a staple of our society causing serious problems which starts with addiction leading many times to overdosing and death.
Last month a government study reported that the share of substance abuse treatment admissions involving prescription medication abuse, increased in the last ten years from 2.2 percent to 10 percent, with the proportion of the admissions for street drugs such as heroin, PCP, and cocaine, decreasing. A second study reported that emergency room visits for nonmedical use of prescription narcotics jumped by 111 percent over the same time period, accounting for 305,885 visits. According to a director of applied studies for substance abuse found that nearly everyone is equally at risk for addiction. Race and age were not factors, although there is a higher concern for younger people; reporting that about fourteen percent of those aged 18-24 and 25-34 sought treatment for prescription pain medication abuse. This is about a two percent increase over the last decade.
So why has there been an increase trend in abusing prescription drugs? It is because people believe that prescriptions are safer than street drugs because they come from a doctor. However, this is a distorted view; prescription drugs are more potent and are just as dangerous and addicting as heroin when used outside their prescribed purpose. Also the availability and accessibility of prescription drugs contributes to the increase abuse of them. Over the last twenty years prescriptions for opiates in the US have gone from forty million to one hundred and eighty million. Prescription drugs are being obtained from friends, family, medicine cabinets, drug dealers on the street, the internet and doctors. People who want prescription drugs because they are addicted, doctor shop, in order to find a doctor who will prescribe the unnecessary prescriptions to them.
Drugs in general are highly addictive and addiction is a medical condition. A user is trying to achieve the same high that they felt on their first use. However, a user can never get the same high. It only takes one use of a drug to become addicted. It only takes one use to overdose or die. Like all medical conditions, treatment is necessary.
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug abuse or addiction and is in need of help, Cove Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Center offers a flexible and affordable addiction treatment program. Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During the treatment process we will work with the client to identify the factors that may have contributed to you drug abuse – home, work, relationships and medical history. We also believe that families have a vital role to play in the recovery process, and each addiction treatment program has a place for family participation, to educate them in the treatment process and to equip them for their role as supporters.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 http://www.covecenterforrecovery.com
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237http://www.inspirationsyouth.com