Monday, August 30, 2010

Ohio Addiction Treatment Overflow

Fairfield County, Ohio - Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Overflow

The abuse of prescription drugs are not decreasing, in fact they are increasing. The increase use of prescription drugs such as Vicodin, Oxycontin, and other opiates are leaving many states faced with a dilemma; what to do in order to decrease the amount of illegal prescription drugs there are out on the streets. The problem became recognizable in Fairfield county, in Ohio when addiction treatment facilities had to start to turn down patients from receiving treatment. The abuse of prescription drugs has become so popular that addiction treatment centers in Ohio began a waiting list, and many youths on the waiting list have since deceased. Officials met in August, 2010 to discuss a plan of action.

In Ohio, since 2002, the percent of admissions for opiates grew eight fold, amounting to 31% of the admissions in 2008 for opiate abuse. However, the growth did not end there. In May 2010 67% of the admissions were for opiate addiction. 200 people are turned away a month for treatment due to lack of funding. People want to become sober, yet cannot receive help when they ask for it. The results of the rejection of treatment can lead to a negative moral. Something needs to be done to control the abuse of prescription opiates. According to a survey conducted, 1 in every 10 12th graders has used prescription opiates more than 20 times. This is a concern because these students could possibly end up the new generation of addicts. 1500 people died from unintentional drug overdoses in Ohio a year and the distribution of prescription opiates have increased by 325%.

Drug courts were established in Ohio, but only have a 63% success rate. So now the officials are talking about a supplemental plan of action. After 7 meetings, with the last one in August, addiction treatment was the prevailing topic of all. A task force prepared a report for the Ohio General Assembly and the Governor. The reports with suggestions from officials such as law enforcement and a task force will be presented to legislation by October 1, 2010.

There is an alternative to being placed on an addiction treatment waiting list in Ohio. If you or someone you know has made the first step in recovery by admitting that professional help is need, don’t wait. Call the Cove Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Facility. Why wait when The Cove can help you today! The Cove specializes in addiction treatment and recovery through innovate programs and interactive therapy not found at any other treatment center.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention contact us:
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

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