Despite giant steps towards the identification and treatment of alcoholism, and addiction in general, there are still substantial obstacles in the way of preventing and treating alcohol addiction.
According to Dr. Drew Pinsky, a board-certified addictionologist and relationship expert, addiction is a brain disease. This disease is due to the neurochemical imbalances seen in the brains of alcoholics.
By definition, alcoholism is a chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors. The disease is often progressive and fatal. It is characterized by impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences associated with alcohol use, and distortions in thinking -- most notably denial. Addiction is the only disease that generates criticism against the sufferer unlike those suffering from other chronic relapsing disorders, such as diabetes or heart disease. Alcoholism is a disease that lends itself to study in animals due to similar brain regions, allowing for animal models of alcoholism, paving the way for increased research into the biological mechanism underlying addiction.
Doctors are often fearful to bring up the issue of alcohol use because they may not have the tools to deal with this disease and because of the denial of patients. This leads to the unmet educational needs of primary care physicians on available treatments and diagnostic training. Due to the still-evolving understanding of alcohol dependence, many physicians are still unclear as to the treatment and management of such patients.
If you are looking for a comprehensive alcoholism treatment program, Cove Center for Recovery premier Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers is the solution for you. From Intervention to Recovery After Care, Cove Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers provides unique programs helping patients to recognize the origin of the problem that caused the need to self-medicate. Learning how to deal with these problems results in facing situations instead of avoiding them and reduces the chance of relapse.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Drug Rehab in Oklahoma
The Cove Center is an addiction treatment center, working with adults who are struggling with the chaos and consequences associated with alcohol and/or drug addiction, which may include mental health issues, more commonly known as dual-diagnosis.
The Cove Center - Addiction Treatment Centers, encourages people to leave their everyday lifestyle by immersing themselves in a new and different environment during the addiction treatment process. The Cove is known for a unique approach to "Real Life" Treatment and Recovery."Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes."
Interventions are necessary for individuals who are unable or unwilling to recognize the need for help. Interventionists assist families in confronting and guiding their loved one to recognize the signs and symptoms of addiction and the need for change. Credentialed and experienced Interventionists are available to assist individuals and family members.
Drug Detox in Oklahoma / Drug Detoxification in Oklahoma
Normally, those suffering from a drug addiction cannot safely detox on their own. In fact, in some cases, attempting to do so can be deadly. During the drug detoxification process, the body is denied the toxins usually accumulated by the drug, resulting in uncomfortable and in some cases dangerous drug withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes a drug with a similar action is taken instead, to reduce the side effects and risks of withdrawal. Detoxification is often the first step in a drug addiction treatment program and should be followed by addiction treatment therapies. Behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication (if necessary) are available during Drug Detoxification in Oklahoma. Detox alone with no follow-up is not an addiction treatment.
There are a number of Oklahoma drug detox programs available. Studies have shown that inpatient drug detox programs are usually more successful than outpatient detox, due in large part to the fact that they are medically based programs located within a drug rehab facility or addiction treatment center.
Drug Rehab Oklahoma / Drug Rehabilitation Oklahoma
Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in Oklahoma, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in Oklahoma.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Oklahoma / Alcohol Rehab Oklahoma
Oklahoma Alcohol Addiction programs are specifically designed to help patients assess their dependency and to abstain from alcohol use. Importantly, the alcohol rehab programs offered to Oklahoma clients are evidence-based alcohol rehab programs which might include medications that specifically suppress the driving force of alcohol dependence. Oklahoma addiction treatment programs use a cognitive behavioral therapy approach - how we think (cognitive) and how we act (behavior). This recognizes the powerful relationship between thoughts, feelings and behavior and the impact it has on addiction and therefore, recovery. Our alcohol addiction treatment is designed to help people explore feelings and behaviors which trigger the need for alcohol.
Oklahoma Court Ordered Addiction Treatment Program / Oklahoma Court Ordered Rehab
In addition to Medical reasons, many people seek addiction treatment for Legal reasons. For example, DUI and other substance related charges. The Cover Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Centers has experience working with attorneys and courts. Drug and Alcohol treatment is frequently an alternative to jail terms and other penalties. Read more on Oklahoma Court Ordered Rehab.
Oklahoma Residential Addiction Treatment Program / Oklahoma Residential Rehab
The "Real Life Program" is a combination of our clinical, residential and activities program. Daily life challenges encountered during activities and residential life are processed in our therapeutic setting, allowing each individual the opportunity to apply skills and experience growth in the journey of recovery. Read more on Oklahoma Residential Addiction Treatment Programs.
Oklahoma Gambling Addiction Treatment Program / Oklahoma Gambling Rehab
The overwhelming majority of people who gamble don't have a problem with it. But pathological gambling, often called compulsive gambling, is a mental health disorder. Read more on Oklahoma Gambling Addiction Treatment Program.
Oklahoma Eating Disorders Treatment Program / Oklahoma Eating Disorders Rehab
Anorexia, Bulimia, and Overeating are eating disorders. An eating disorder is an addiction. Eating Disorders are a result of a behavior known as “self-medicating” behavior. Eating disorders are serious health conditions that can be both physically and emotionally destructive. Read more on Oklahoma Eating Disorders Treatment.
Oklahoma Cutting, Self-Harm Addiction Treatment / Oklahoma Cutting Rehab
Because self-harm is often associated with other psychological problems, it tends to be treated under the umbrella of a co-occurring disorder like PTSD, substance abuse, or borderline personality disorder. There is evidence, however, suggesting more improvement when the self-harming behavior is the primary focus of treatment. Read more on Oklahoma Cutting Addiction Treatment Rehab.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Cocaine and Alcohol Combined are More Damaging to Mental Ability Than Either Drug Alone
Scientists have found that individuals who abuse cocaine and alcohol together are prone to more impulsive decision-making and have a inferior performance on tests that requires memory than does individuals who use either cocaine or alcohol alone. According to an article in the June, 2010 of Neurology the negative effects on the ability to think clearly persist for at least a month after the substance use stops.
"This study reveals important basic information about the way these substances interact," says National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) Director Alan I. Leshner, MD. "It also has significant implications for drug abuse treatment, which involves learning and remembering concepts that help recovering drug abusers to change behaviors and avoid situations where they might use drugs."
Carrying out the study on the interactive effects of both substances, cocaine and alcohol were Doctors Jean Lud Caded of NIDA's Intramural Research Program in Baltimore, Maryland, and Doctor Karen Bolla, of Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore. Tests were conducted in 56 adults after 3 days individuals abstained from both cocaine and alcohol and a second test was conducted during the fourth week of the study. These battery o tests measured general intelligence, attention, planning, mental flexibility, verbal memory and learning."
The results of this study support the view that cocaine abuse can have a major negative impact on the brain and these effects are compounded by the concurrent use of alcohol," explained Dr. Cadet.
If you or someone you care about are looking for a comprehensive addiction treatment program, Cove Center for Recovery premier Drug Rehab Centers is the solution for you. From Intervention to Recovery After Care, Cove Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers provides unique programs helping patients to recognize the origin of the problem that caused the need to self-medicate. Learning how to deal with these problems results in facing situations instead of avoiding them and reduces the chance of relapse.
Cove Addiction Treatment Center encourages people to leave their everyday lifestyle by immersing themselves in a new and different environment during the addiction treatment process. The Cove is known for a unique approach to "Real Life" Treatment and Recovery."Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.'
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Friday, May 13, 2011
Kansas Addiction Treatment Programs
Drug Detox in Kansas / Drug Detoxification in Kansas
Normally, those suffering from a drug addiction cannot safely detox on their own. In fact, in some cases, attempting to do so can be deadly. During the drug detoxification process, the body is denied the toxins usually accumulated by the drug, resulting in uncomfortable and in some cases dangerous drug withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes a drug with a similar action is taken instead, to reduce the side effects and risks of withdrawal. Detoxification is often the first step in a drug addiction treatment program and should be followed by addiction treatment therapies. Behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication (if necessary) are available during Drug Detoxification in Kansas. Detox alone with no follow-up is not an addiction treatment.
Normally, those suffering from a drug addiction cannot safely detox on their own. In fact, in some cases, attempting to do so can be deadly. During the drug detoxification process, the body is denied the toxins usually accumulated by the drug, resulting in uncomfortable and in some cases dangerous drug withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes a drug with a similar action is taken instead, to reduce the side effects and risks of withdrawal. Detoxification is often the first step in a drug addiction treatment program and should be followed by addiction treatment therapies. Behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication (if necessary) are available during Drug Detoxification in Kansas. Detox alone with no follow-up is not an addiction treatment.
Drug Rehab Kansas / Drug Rehabilitation Kansas
Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in Kansas, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in Kansas.
Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in Kansas, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in Kansas.
Marijuana Addiction Treatment Kansas / Marijuana Rehab Kansas
Marijuana Addiction Treatment programs in Kansas focus on counseling and group support systems, as there is no medication for treating marijuana addiction at this time.
Marijuana Addiction Treatment programs in Kansas focus on counseling and group support systems, as there is no medication for treating marijuana addiction at this time.
There are many types of marijuana addiction treatment programs available for Kansas residents. Marijuana Addiction Treatment types are determined by the individual's level of use and other mental health and medical issues.
Some types of addiction treatment such as detoxification may last one week whereas other such as long-term, residential addiction treatment can last 30 days or longer.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Kansas / Alcohol Rehab Kansas
Kansas Alcohol Addiction programs are specifically designed to help patients assess their dependency and to abstain from alcohol use. Importantly, the alcohol rehab programs offered to Kansas clients are evidence-based alcohol rehab programs which might include medications that specifically suppress the driving force of alcohol dependence. Kansas addiction treatment programs use a cognitive behavioral therapy approach - how we think (cognitive) and how we act (behavior). This recognizes the powerful relationship between thoughts, feelings and behavior and the impact it has on addiction and therefore, recovery. Our alcohol addiction treatment is designed to help people explore feelings and behaviors which trigger the need for alcohol.
Kansas Alcohol Addiction programs are specifically designed to help patients assess their dependency and to abstain from alcohol use. Importantly, the alcohol rehab programs offered to Kansas clients are evidence-based alcohol rehab programs which might include medications that specifically suppress the driving force of alcohol dependence. Kansas addiction treatment programs use a cognitive behavioral therapy approach - how we think (cognitive) and how we act (behavior). This recognizes the powerful relationship between thoughts, feelings and behavior and the impact it has on addiction and therefore, recovery. Our alcohol addiction treatment is designed to help people explore feelings and behaviors which trigger the need for alcohol.
Kansas Court Ordered Addiction Treatment Program / Kansas Court Ordered Rehab
In addition to Medical reasons, many people seek addiction treatment for Legal reasons. For example, DUI and other substance related charges. The Cover Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Centers has experience working with attorneys and courts. Drug and Alcohol treatment is frequently an alternative to jail terms and other penalties. Read more on Kansas Court Ordered Rehab.
In addition to Medical reasons, many people seek addiction treatment for Legal reasons. For example, DUI and other substance related charges. The Cover Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Centers has experience working with attorneys and courts. Drug and Alcohol treatment is frequently an alternative to jail terms and other penalties. Read more on Kansas Court Ordered Rehab.
Kansas Residential Addiction Treatment Program / Kansas Residential Rehab
The "Real Life Program" is a combination of our clinical, residential and activities program. Daily life challenges encountered during activities and residential life are processed in our therapeutic setting, allowing each individual the opportunity to apply skills and experience growth in the journey of recovery. Read more on Kansas Residential Addiction Treatment Programs.
Drug Rehab Kansas Treatment Center Dual Diagnosis Program
The rate of dual diagnosis between drug use disorders and other mental illnesses or disorders calls for a comprehensive approach that identifies and evaluates both. Read more on Kansas Dual Diagnosis Program.
The rate of dual diagnosis between drug use disorders and other mental illnesses or disorders calls for a comprehensive approach that identifies and evaluates both. Read more on Kansas Dual Diagnosis Program.
Kansas Gambling Addiction Treatment Program / Kansas Gambling Rehab
The overwhelming majority of people who gamble don't have a problem with it. But pathological gambling, often called compulsive gambling, is a mental health disorder. Read more on Kansas Gambling Addiction Treatment Program.
The overwhelming majority of people who gamble don't have a problem with it. But pathological gambling, often called compulsive gambling, is a mental health disorder. Read more on Kansas Gambling Addiction Treatment Program.
Kansas Eating Disorders Treatment Program / Kansas Eating Disorders Rehab
Anorexia, Bulimia, and Overeating are eating disorders. An eating disorder is an addiction. Eating Disorders are a result of a behavior known as “self-medicating” behavior. Eating disorders are serious health conditions that can be both physically and emotionally destructive. Read more on Kansas Eating Disorders Treatment.
Anorexia, Bulimia, and Overeating are eating disorders. An eating disorder is an addiction. Eating Disorders are a result of a behavior known as “self-medicating” behavior. Eating disorders are serious health conditions that can be both physically and emotionally destructive. Read more on Kansas Eating Disorders Treatment.
Kansas Cutting, Self-Harm Addiction Treatment / Kansas Cutting Rehab
Because self-harm is often associated with other psychological problems, it tends to be treated under the umbrella of a co-occurring disorder like PTSD, substance abuse, or borderline personality disorder. There is evidence, however, suggesting more improvement when the self-harming behavior is the primary focus of treatment. Read more on Kansas Cutting Addiction Treatment Rehab.
Because self-harm is often associated with other psychological problems, it tends to be treated under the umbrella of a co-occurring disorder like PTSD, substance abuse, or borderline personality disorder. There is evidence, however, suggesting more improvement when the self-harming behavior is the primary focus of treatment. Read more on Kansas Cutting Addiction Treatment Rehab.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Addiction Treatment Programs Arkansas
Drug Detox in Arkansas / Drug Detoxification in Arkansas
Normally, those suffering from a drug addiction cannot safely detox on their own. In fact, in some cases, attempting to do so can be deadly. During the drug detoxification process, the body is denied the toxins usually accumulated by the drug, resulting in uncomfortable and in some cases dangerous drug withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes a drug with a similar action is taken instead, to reduce the side effects and risks of withdrawal. Detoxification is often the first step in a drug addiction treatment program and should be followed by addiction treatment therapies. Behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication (if necessary) are available during Drug Detoxification in Arkansas. Detox alone with no follow-up is not an addiction treatment. There are a number of Arkansas drug detox programs available. Studies have shown that inpatient drug detox programs are usually more successful than outpatient detox, due in large part to the fact that they are medically based programs located within a drug rehab facility or addiction treatment center.
Drug Rehab Arkansas / Drug Rehabilitation Arkansas
Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in Arkansas, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in Arkansas.
Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in Arkansas, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in Arkansas.
Marijuana Addiction Treatment Arkansas / Marijuana Rehab Arkansas
Marijuana Addiction Treatment programs in Arkansas focus on counseling and group support systems, as there is no medication for treating marijuana addiction at this time.
Marijuana Addiction Treatment programs in Arkansas focus on counseling and group support systems, as there is no medication for treating marijuana addiction at this time.
There are many types of marijuana addiction treatment programs available for Arkansas residents. Marijuana Addiction Treatment types are determined by the individual's level of use and other mental health and medical issues.
Some types of addiction treatment such as detoxification may last one week whereas other such as long-term, residential addiction treatment can last 30 days or longer.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Arkansas / Alcohol Rehab Arkansas
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Arkansas / Alcohol Rehab Arkansas
Arkansas Alcohol Addiction programs are specifically designed to help patients assess their dependency and to abstain from alcohol use. Importantly, the alcohol rehab programs offered to Arkansas clients are evidence-based alcohol rehab programs which might include medications that specifically suppress the driving force of alcohol dependence. Arkansas addiction treatment programs use a cognitive behavioral therapy approach - how we think (cognitive) and how we act (behavior). This recognizes the powerful relationship between thoughts, feelings and behavior and the impact it has on addiction and therefore, recovery. Our alcohol addiction treatment is designed to help people explore feelings and behaviors which trigger the need for alcohol.
Arkansas Court Ordered Addiction Treatment Program / Arkansas Court Ordered Rehab
In addition to Medical reasons, many people seek addiction treatment for Legal reasons. For example, DUI and other substance related charges. The Cover Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Centers has experience working with attorneys and courts. Drug and Alcohol treatment is frequently an alternative to jail terms and other penalties. Read more on Arkansas Court Ordered Rehab.
Arkansas Residential Addiction Treatment Program / Arkansas Residential Rehab
In addition to Medical reasons, many people seek addiction treatment for Legal reasons. For example, DUI and other substance related charges. The Cover Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Centers has experience working with attorneys and courts. Drug and Alcohol treatment is frequently an alternative to jail terms and other penalties. Read more on Arkansas Court Ordered Rehab.
Arkansas Residential Addiction Treatment Program / Arkansas Residential Rehab
The "Real Life Program" is a combination of our clinical, residential and activities program. Daily life challenges encountered during activities and residential life are processed in our therapeutic setting, allowing each individual the opportunity to apply skills and experience growth in the journey of recovery. Read more on Arkansas Residential Addiction Treatment Programs.
Drug Rehab Arkansas Treatment Center Dual Diagnosis Program
The rate of dual diagnosis between drug use disorders and other mental illnesses or disorders calls for a comprehensive approach that identifies and evaluates both. Read more on Arkansas Dual Diagnosis Program.
Drug Rehab Arkansas Treatment Center Dual Diagnosis Program
The rate of dual diagnosis between drug use disorders and other mental illnesses or disorders calls for a comprehensive approach that identifies and evaluates both. Read more on Arkansas Dual Diagnosis Program.
Arkansas Gambling Addiction Treatment Program / Arkansas Gambling Rehab
The overwhelming majority of people who gamble don't have a problem with it. But pathological gambling, often called compulsive gambling, is a mental health disorder. Read more on Arkansas Gambling Addiction Treatment Program.
Arkansas Eating Disorders Treatment Program / Arkansas Eating Disorders Rehab
Arkansas Eating Disorders Treatment Program / Arkansas Eating Disorders Rehab
Anorexia, Bulimia, and Overeating are eating disorders. An eating disorder is an addiction. Eating Disorders are a result of a behavior known as “self-medicating” behavior. Eating disorders are serious health conditions that can be both physically and emotionally destructive. Read more on Arkansas Eating Disorders Treatment.
Arkansas Cutting, Self-Harm Addiction Treatment / Arkansas Cutting Rehab
Arkansas Cutting, Self-Harm Addiction Treatment / Arkansas Cutting Rehab
Because self-harm is often associated with other psychological problems, it tends to be treated under the umbrella of a co-occurring disorder like PTSD, substance abuse, or borderline personality disorder. There is evidence, however, suggesting more improvement when the self-harming behavior is the primary focus of treatment. Read more on Arkansas Cutting Addiction Treatment Rehab.
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, get help. Cove Center for Recovery is a nationally recognized drug treatment center providing addiction treatment programs, addiction treatment prevention as well as aftercare services.
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, get help. Cove Center for Recovery is a nationally recognized drug treatment center providing addiction treatment programs, addiction treatment prevention as well as aftercare services.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Women Abusing Alcohol May be Suffering from Depression
Drinking alcohol may be a normal social activity, but if you're a woman it may be the outline of a deeper problem.
A study of over 300 patients, who were self-referred for an alcohol addiction treatment program at the Mayo Clinic located in Rochester Minnesota, showed that women who suffered from depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety disorder were most likely to crave and drink alcohol whereas men might be drinking just to feel good. Craving for alcohol is an underlying component of alcohol dependence and in many cases, used to relieve stress, anxiety and other major signs of depression.
Three hundred and sixty four patients (135 women and 229 men) who participated in a 28-day residential intensive addiction program in the Mayo Clinic were used in this study. Depressive symptoms were measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and alcohol cravings were measured by the Pennsylvania Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS). Results showed that women were drinking almost as heavily as men — on average, as many as 11 drinks a day, compared to men who drank up to 14 drinks a day. About 50% were daily drinkers and 75% were deemed hazardous users (more than 5 drinks a day for man or more than 4 drinks a day for woman). Studies also showed that 139 individuals, mainly women, with alcohol dependency were also diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety disorder.
Depression has been strongly linked with alcohol cravings in women and further studies are in progress to better evaluate outcome and treatment.
Treatment for depression and alcohol dependence depends on the severity of the disease as well as the lifestyle of the person. Residential Addiction Treatment Programs are very effective, regardless of the severity of the alcohol addiction.
The Cove Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Center offers a structured program in which clients participate in addiction treatment and reside with the treatment center for a minimum of 30 days. All medical, psychiatric, and therapeutic needs are met during the residential addiction treatment program. A core component of a good residential addiction treatment program is one that provides an opportunity for the treatment staff and the client to work together to co-create an individual treatment plan and a solution minded approach to a successful recovery life.
Another important component of a good residential addiction treatment program exposes the client to the environment outside of the addiction treatment center, during the treatment process, allowing the client to process the stressors, triggers, and strengths of the world while still in the protection and structure of a therapeutic environment. Activities such as bowling, movies, museums, shopping, and other outings are a good opportunity to process tools learned in addiction treatment. Relapse prevention education, focusing on identifying triggers to addiction are one of the building blocks of a good residential addiction treatment program. Individual, group, and family therapy are primary therapeutic focuses.
Cove Addiction Treatment Center encourages people to leave their everyday lifestyle by immersing themselves in a new and different environment during the addiction treatment process. The Cove is known for a unique approach to "Real Life" Treatment and Recovery."Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.:
If you have a friend or relative who is alcohol dependent, call Cove Center for Recovery for a free initial consultation.
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Why Meth Addicts Crave Sugar?

Drugs have been shown to fry your brain like eggs in a hot frying pan. As bad as that sounds, the new research shows methamphetamine does more damage than that. According to U.S. researchers, reported online in PLOS ONE on April 20, 2011, in one of the broadest surveys to date, the data shows the impact of methamphetamine on the genes and the cells of fruit flies. It not only devastates muscle structure of the body it destroys sperm and put the sugar metabolism of the fruit fly into higher gear.
Methamphetamine was shown to affect a tiny fruit fly by changing its biochemical networks as it does to human beings, says Barry Pittendrigh, the coauthor of the new report. Drosophila Melanogaster, or fruit fly as commonly known, has been the subject of many scientific test experiments providing valuable results used by us humans. In this case, the scientists were researching the meth’s toll on genes and protein molecules in fruit flies and came across meth’s effect on sugar molecules which has been the subject of intrigue when it came to meth addiction and human craving for sweets.
This research showed that meth widely caused muscle degradation, sperm destruction and most importantly sped up aging process in the body cells. Previously similar studies had shown the devastation of heart muscles, the reduction of fertility and cell aging acceleration in mice and humans.
One of the doors that this new research opened to a better understanding of how this drug works was the fact that it cuts down sugar molecules in a fast and disorganized way. This process of sugar being used in body is a normal process of cells using sugar when in need of Oxygen. But when done in the normal fashion, there is no devastating effect on the cells as there is when Meth causes this sugar consumption. Meth seems to trick the body, by changing some gene structure that makes the body think it constantly needs Oxygen, therefore should rub the sugar molecules from the cell. As this process of sugar loss by cell continues, the cells develop a never ending need for sugar, just like the cancer cells make cells to go through. This is precisely the reason that Meth addicts develop a sweet tooth and always have the craving for that piece of sweets.
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug abuse or addiction and is in need of help, Cove Center for Recovery - Addiction Treatment Center offers a flexible and affordable addiction treatment program. Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During the treatment process we will work with the client to identify the factors that may have contributed to you drug abuse – home, work, relationships and medical history. We also believe that families have a vital role to play in the recovery process, and each addiction treatment program has a place for family participation, to educate them in the treatment process and to equip them for their role as supporters.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Related Topics:Methamphetamine, a Formidable Drug Addiction that has Proven Hard to Beat
Meth Overview
How is Meth Abuse?
How Does Meth Affect the Brain?
What Other Adverse Effects Does Methamphetamine/Meth Have on Health?
What Treatment Options Exist for Methamphetamine/Meth?
See Also Club Drugs
Meth: Spreading Addiction
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Iowa Drug Addiction Treatment Programs
The Cove Center is an addiction treatment center, working with adults who are struggling with the chaos and consequences associated with alcohol and/or drug addiction, which may include mental health issues, more commonly known as dual-diagnosis.
The Cove Center - Addiction Treatment Centers, encourages people to leave their everyday lifestyle by immersing themselves in a new and different environment during the addiction treatment process. The Cove is known for a unique approach to "Real Life" Treatment and Recovery."Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes."
Interventions are necessary for individuals who are unable or unwilling to recognize the need for help. Interventionists assist families in confronting and guiding their loved one to recognize the signs and symptoms of addiction and the need for change. Credentialed and experienced Interventionists are available to assist individuals and family members.
Drug Rehab Iowa / Drug Rehabilitation Iowa
Short-term and long-term drug rehabilitation in Iowa, intensive outpatient drug rehab programs, outpatient and residential addiction treatment programs along with 12-step programs, individual, family and group therapy are all drug addiction treatment programs available for residents in Iowa.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Iowa / Alcohol Rehab Iowa
Iowa Alcohol Addiction programs are specifically designed to help patients assess their dependency and to abstain from alcohol use. Importantly, the alcohol rehab programs offered to Iowa clients are evidence-based alcohol rehab programs which might include medications that specifically suppress the driving force of alcohol dependence. Iowa addiction treatment programs use a cognitive behavioral therapy approach - how we think (cognitive) and how we act (behavior). This recognizes the powerful relationship between thoughts, feelings and behavior and the impact it has on addiction and therefore, recovery. Our alcohol addiction treatment is designed to help people explore feelings and behaviors which trigger the need for alcohol.
Iowa Residential Addiction Treatment Program / Iowa Residential Rehab
The "Real Life Program" is a combination of our clinical, residential and activities program. Daily life challenges encountered during activities and residential life are processed in our therapeutic setting, allowing each individual the opportunity to apply skills and experience growth in the journey of recovery. Read more on Iowa Residential Addiction Treatment Programs.
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-888-387-6237 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-888-757-6237 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Drug Detoxification Programs
Drug Detox involves a stop of the individual’s use of their drug(s) of choice. Depending on the individual's level of drug abuse withdrawl symptoms can set off debilitating and violent behavior. Typically, if the individual is diagnosed with mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms, they can be treated on an outpatient basis. If the addiction is more severe and the person is diagnosed with a high risk of severe withdrawal symptoms, residential treatment is required. In either diagnose, mild, moderate or severe, Cove Center for Recovery recommends residential addiction treatment. Drug Detox alone with no follow-up is not treatment as it lacks the behavioral-based therapies that a comprehensive residential addiction treatment offers. At our residential facility individual group therapy and family therapies are used to deal with the underlying emotional and psychological issues that are associated with drugl addiction. Furthermore, our patients are encouraged to leave their everyday lifestyle by immersing themselves in a new and different environment during the addiction treatment process. We hope you make the right decision and get help for you or your loved one.
To learn more about Cove's Addiction Treatment Programs please visit us at:
Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237
Monday, May 2, 2011
Addiction Treatment in California
Addiction Treatment Programs - Drug and Alcohol Rehab in California
Finding the right drug rehabilitation can be difficult. Many addiction treatment centers offer services that you don't really need. Cove Center for Recovery – drug addiction treatment center offers services that are directly related to the client’s drug of abuse.
We understand that drug rehabilitation will mean a different thing for everybody that comes to our addiction treatment center, but the end goal is always the same, freedom from addiction with a new vision on what to look forward to in life.
Self detoxification is for many, next to impossible. This is often because of changes in the brain functioning. When an individual uses drugs for an extended period of time, research has shown that substantial changes take place in the individual’s brain. These changes make it difficult for the individual to go without using drugs and cope with day to day life. Attending a drug rehab will help the individual gain tools that are invaluable in their recovery process.
Our experience has led us to believe it is just as important to correct the imbalances in life caused by recreational drug use or other addictive behaviors. Cove Center for Recovery adopts a mind, body and spirit approach to addiction treatment, so our clients are more likely to leave with a sense of purpose and positive outlook on their future after addiction. It is important for both the individual and their family to realize that it takes more than just strong will power to conquer drug addiction. It takes professional help from a drug rehab program or alcohol rehab program to give the individual the right tools for a complete recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.
Cove Addiction Treatment Center encourages people to leave their everyday lifestyle by immersing themselves in a new and different environment during the addiction treatment process. The Cove is known for a unique approach to "Real Life" Treatment and Recovery."Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes."
The "Real Life Program" is a combination of our clinical, residential and activities program. Daily life challenges encountered during activities and residential life are processed in our therapeutic setting, allowing each individual the opportunity to apply skills and experience growth in the journey of recovery. Read more on Residential Addiction Treatment Programs.
[b]Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.
Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237[/b]
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