Monday, January 31, 2011

Drug Addiction and Drug Addiction Treatment in New Hampshire

There are a several New Hampshire drug rehab programs which provide drug rehabilitation services. Drug rehabs, alcohol rehabs, prescription drug rehabs in New Hampshire might specialize in treating specific populations such as drug rehabs that specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and other self destructive behavior such as gambling addiction, eating disorders, cutting addiction (SI) and huffing addiction.

Deciding which New Hampshire drug rehabilitation, alcohol rehabilitation program or addiction treatment program will best suit your needs should not be a difficult task. Cove Center for Recovery, NH includes both inpatient and outpatient addiction programs, to meet our clients specific "Goals of Treatment" which are identified during their assessment with our Client Liaison Team. Intensive Outpatient Treatment / Residential Treatment incorporates comprehensive addiction treatment program and "Real Life" approach to recovery in a flexible therapeutic schedule.

When our New Hampshire addiction treatment specialists makes a recommendation on individualized addiction treatment programs, we recognize that in most cases, an addiction or mood disorder isn't the only issue. For example, someone with depression may also be battling a co-occurring addiction such as alcoholism. Tackling multiple issues requires a more comprehensive strategy than tackling one issue alone, and will be accommodated in the suggested addiction treatment program.

Our aim is to treat the whole person, and not just an isolated symptom. During addiction treatment we will work with the client to identify the factors that may have contributed to their addiction or disorder - home, work, relationships and medical history. We also believe that families have a vital role to play in the recovery process, and each program has a place for family participation, to educate them in the addiction treatment process and to equip them for their role as supporters.

Addiction Treatment Center in New Hampshire Provides: Interventions, Mental Health Treatment, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Gambling Addiction Treatment, Eating Disorders Treatment, Court Ordered Rehabilitation and Suboxone Treatment.

Drug Rehab Therapy Programs in New Hampshire Includes: Psychotherapy, Trauma Therapy, Co-Dependency Therapy, Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Recreational Activities (Sober Fun), Relapse Prevention, Family and Group Therapies.

Not every New Hampshire drug rehab program is the same. With our vast knowledge on addiction treatment services and programs, you will feel more comfortable with your choice.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drug Addiction Can Happen to Anyone, Even Doctors

Over the years there has been an increase in substance abuse which has led to an increase in substance and drug addiction. A popular trend, especially amongst teens is the attitude that addiction will not happen to them. However, no one can guarantee to fully control their substance abuse, not even a doctor.

Richard, a chief of neurosurgery at a Chicago hospital, found himself relying on prescription drugs to keep him carrying on and stimulants to make it throughout his rounds. He built up a tolerance by his second year to taking seventy pills a day to hamper withdrawal affects. He was so dependent on the drugs that while he was at work he would steal the drugs from the hospital and keep them in his coat pocket to ingest throughout the day. Richard acknowledges that he struggled with this addiction constantly having to feed it, just to have his body feel normal and prevent the negative side effects of coming down. He knew that he was putting him and his patients at risk.  He says that he thought he could handle it but admits that when using substances, you become delusional about what you think you can control.

The doctor stated that his stress triggered his substance abuse, but that is only one reason why people use drugs. If doctors and successful people in society can become addicted and struggle with addiction, so can anyone else. If successful and smart people cannot control an addiction most other individuals do not have control either. Addiction and substance abuse is not to be taken lightly. The attitude of it cannot happen to you or you can control it is the wrong attitude to have. Addiction can happen to anyone and no one has complete control when it comes to substance abuse.

Drugs in general are highly addictive and addiction is a medical condition. A user is trying to achieve the same high that they felt on their first use, however, a user can never get the same high. It only takes one use of a drug to become addicted. It only takes one use to overdose or die. Like all medical conditions, treatment is necessary. If you or someone you know is struggling with drug abuse or addiction, call Cove Center for Recovery – Addiction Treatment Centers. The Cove offers a one of a kind addiction treatment program that is flexible to fit the needs of the client. It is never too late to prevent and/or stop an addiction.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.

Addiction Treatment for Adults and Young Adults: 1-888-387-6237

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Xanax Drug Abuse and Addiction Treatment

Once intended to treat ailments and pain, the use of legally prescribed medication has swiftly shifted from a “pain killer” to what could be categorized as a “legal hallucinatory”, with dangerous and often deadly side effects for its abusive users.
The well known anti-depressant Xanax was originally manufactured in the 70’s and has since earned a reputation as a habit forming drug that can potentially “melt away everyday problems” if used in higher doses, and of course on a everyday basis.

During the past decade the abuse of a well-known anti-anxiety medication Alprazolam or better known as “Xanax” has become a national pandemic. While legally prescribed doses of this medication which usually average from 0.25 milligrams, three or four times per day, can ease the affects of depression and other mild panic disorders, higher doses of this medication which are often used with alcohol and other recreational drugs such as cocaine and methadone to potentiate its relaxing effects, can permanently damage the nervous system and have deadly consequences for its users while providing victim with a short term sense of “well-being” which wears off and in most circumstances, leaves user more and more dependent on the drug. So dependent in fact, that some addicts report that they found themselves incapable of carrying out everyday tasks without the abuse of the medication.

Although this drug promises to alleviate symptoms of depression and other panic disorders when taken in its intended doses, its high dependency rate, and its consumption with other drug to create hallucinatory effects amongst adults, has given researchers and various public health officials have reason to believe that avoiding the drug all together is a healthier option due its potentially addicting side effects which in recent years have proven to be devastating and life altering.

Nine years ago things were different. Prescription Drug was not the major reason for a drug addict to check in to a rehab facility. Nowadays, most treatment centers across the country have added this new specialty to their treatment programs. There are special programs in place in many good drug rehab facilities dealing specifically with prescription drug abuse. Two such facilities are Inspirations for Youth and Families, a teen rehab center, catering to 12 to 18 year old and Cove Center for Recovery, an adult rehab center for individuals 18 year old and up.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away.

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237
Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Occasionally, we have the addict individual calling in to get admitted to the rehab facility, but of course addicts will usually not seek help, because they do not understand the scope of their addiction and they cannot stop the addictive cycle. Most of the admissions to our drug and alcohol rehab facility are intervention based. Meaning that, a family and/or friend concerned with the well being of their loved one has contact us and arranged a meeting (intervention) with the addict.  Family and friends are usually not ready to confront their loved one with an effective solution to the problem. A professional interventionist has the experience necessary to help you confront your loved one with the facts and offer a solution to the problem and the consequences they will have to face if he/she does not accept the help being offered. The intervention specialist will educate everyone involved about enabling, tough love, addiction, drug rehab programs, and most important getting the family strong enough to sit down and with so much intention and love, get the addicted individual to finally accept help.

Of course we are talking about a person who has been lying, cheating and possibly even stealing so family and friends must be prepared. Interventions are not smooth but they are usually successful in getting the addict to treatment. Ninety percent of the individuals struggling with alcohol or drugs will accept the help and chooses to go into a residential drug rehab. Watching the family and friends concerned and in pain and confronted with consequences, that were sometimes never presented to them, is usually the turning point in accepting help.

An interventionist will explain and comfort your loved one and family in regards to what is to come. One of the most common reasons an addict  is scared of getting help is the fact that they will experience physical withdraw from drugs like heroin, prescription drugs like painkillers, and alcohol.  Rest assured that your loved one will get the addiction treatment necessary, from medical detox to ease the extreme pain and discomfort through enrollment into the drug and alcohol treatment facility.

Realize that overcoming an addiction to drugs or alcohol is not an easy task.  If it was our country would not have over 22 million addicted individuals.  There are only three things that will happen to an individual who is addicted to drugs and alcohol.  They will die, go to jail, or go to rehab and get help.  The last is the best option for anyone.

You do not have to deal with the addict’s problem alone. Recovery is possible. Others have done it. You or your loved one can do it too.
Family and Friends of Addicts Please Remember—you can’t make an individual deal with an addiction problem. But you can offer support and arrange an intervention for addiction treatment.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. For more information on how to arrange and intervention for your loved one contact us at:
Intervention for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Intervention for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment for teen:


An Eating Disorder is an addiction. It begins as a “self-medicating” behavior, surrounding weight loss and food issues. It progresses to an obsession and an addiction. Eating Disorders are treatment worthy, much the same as drug addiction. Eating Disorders include behavior demonstrated in a Cycle of Addiction. The root causes of drug and alcohol addiction are the same or similar to eating disorders. Instead of using drugs and alcohol to self-medicate, an Anorexic or Bulimic uses starvation and excessive exercise to self medicate, in an effort to resolve inner-personal challenges, struggles, or conflicts. Eating disorders may also be co-occurring with drug or alcohol addiction or a result or consequence of drug or alcohol addiction.

The most effective and long-lasting treatment for eating disorders begins with an appropriate assessment of the individual. If hospitalization is required, as in acute cases, individuals and their family and/or friends are strongly encouraged to seek immediate direction of a physician. The physician may require the individual enter a hospital for stabilization.

Once stabilization has occurred an addiction treatment program is recommended. Entrance into an addiction treatment center is recommended, due to the complexity of root causes for eating disorders and the addictive nature of an eating disorder. The treatment center should be one that focuses on all aspects of eating disorders, psychotherapy, recovery, and aftercare.

The HALO program at the Cove Center for Recovery provides medical care, nutrition and self image therapeutic intervention, in conjunction with individual psychotherapy, trauma therapy, gender specific therapy, meditation, art therapy music therapy, physical exercise program, and a “FUN IN RECOVERY” program.
The daily schedule begins in the Residences, with morning life skills. Life skills include preparing a morning meal, cleaning the kitchen, making the bed, and leaving the residence clean and tidy.

The daily schedule continues in the Addiction Treatment Center, with morning groups for inspiration and goal setting. Psychotherapy, individual therapy, and other modalities of therapy continue throughout the day, along with educational lectures. At lunch time, individuals return to the residences to prepare and eat lunch. After lunch and relaxation, individuals return to the treatment center, for the remainder of the day. The early evening schedule includes a variety of activities, depending on the weather and the season.

The weekend schedule changes depending on scheduled family sessions and activities.

Reach out to us. Recovery from addiction is just a click or a phone call away. If the information you are looking for is not found here and you need immediate attention you may contact us:

Eating Disorder Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Eating Disorder Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237


Cocaine abuse and addiction is many times the individual’s solution for some serious underlying problem. One cannot blame heroin for an addiction because then the addict focuses only on the treatment for cocaine addiction other than personal change. Cocaine addiction is usually associated with other mental health problems such as depression, anti-social personality disorder and mood disorders. Most people with cocaine problems also have alcohol and other mental health problems.

Progressive in nature, cocaine addiction is an illness that can be deterred. People afflicted by cocaine addiction problems think of themselves as morally weak and invincible. Such people can recover if they accept their illness, seek cocaine addiction treatment and have a desire to get well. Cocaine addiction is a serious issue because many people go through daunting experiences before they are ready to accept any type of heroin addiction treatment. Most times intervention from family member and friends is necessary to get the adequate treatment for the individual addict.

Cocaine addiction is a serious issue and treatment is available to the problem addict. Cocaine addiction treatments can take the form of psychotherapy and or medications with a detoxification process. Cognitive behavior therapy aims at replacing negative beliefs with healthy and positive ones as a form of cocaine addiction treatment. Cove Center for Recovery offers a residential and outpatient treatment for cocaine addicts. We strongly recommend our residential addiction treatment program for individuals addicted to cocaine. Group, family and individual therapies are part of our cocaine addiction treatment program. Cove Center for Recovery Cocaine Addiction Treatment programs are uniquely tailored to each individual depending on the patients underlying problems and mental health issues.

Whether you are concerned about yourself, or someone you know. You do not have to deal with a cocaine problem alone. Recovery is possible. Others have done it. You or your loved one can do it too.
Family and Friends of Addicts Please Remember—you can’t make a person deal with an addiction problem. But you can offer support and arrange an intervention for addiction treatment.

Reach out to us. Recovery from Cocaine addiction is just a click or a phone call away. For more information on how to arrange and intervention for your loved one contact us at:

Cocaine Treatment for adults and young adults:

Cocaine Treatment for teens: 1-888-757-6237


Advertising portrays gambling as an exciting and social form of entertainment. Billboards show images of happy people enjoying a night out at the casino. The risks and the consequences are never talked about. Seeing enough of these images over time make you think that gambling is normal and normal people don't have problems with gambling. But that is not  true. Anyone can develop a problem with gambling, it has nothing to do with your age, gender, income or education. It can and does affect people from all walks of life, from any social background. Having a problem does not make you a bad person.According to recent research, about 2.5 million adults in America are pathological gamblers and another 3 million of them should be considered problem gamblers, 15 million adults are at a risk for problem gambling and about 148 million are low-risk gamblers.

Compulsive gambling is the individual’s solution for some serious underlying problem. One cannot blame gambling for an addiction because then the addict focuses only on the treatment for gambling other than personal change. Gambling addiction is usually associated with other mental health problems such as depression, anti-social personality disorder and mood disorders. Most people with compulsive gambling problems also have drug or alcohol problems.

Progressive in nature, Gambling addiction is an illness that can be deterred. People afflicted by gambling addiction problems think of themselves as morally weak. Such people can recover if they accept their illness, seek gambling addiction treatment and have a desire to get well. Gambling addiction is a serious issue because many people go through daunting experiences before they are ready to accept help from gambling addiction experts.

Gambling addiction is a serious issue and help is available to the problem gambler. Gambling addiction treatments can take the form of psychotherapy or medications. Cognitive behavior therapy aims at replacing negative beliefs with healthy and positive ones as a form of gambling addiction treatment. Cove Center for Recovery offers a residential and outpatient treatment for gambling addicts. Group, family and individual therapies are part of our gambling addiction treatment program. Cove Center for Recovery Gambling Addiction Treatment programs are uniquely tailored to each individual depending on the patients underlying problems and mental health issues.

Whether you are concerned about yourself, or someone you know. You do not have to deal with a gambling problem alone. Recovery is possible. Others have done it. You or your loved one can do it too.

Remember—you can’t make a person deal with a gambling problem. But you can offer support and arrange an intervention.

Reach out to us. Recovery from gambling addiction is just a click or a phone call away. For more information on how to arrange and intervention for your loved one contact us at:

Gambling Addiction Treatment : 1-888-387-6237

Professional Help to Treat Alcoholism

Advances in alcoholism treatment in recent years have provided more choices for patients and health professionals.

• Medications to Treat Alcoholism. Newer medications (naltrexone, topiramate, and acamprosate) can make it easier for an individual to quit drinking by offsetting changes in the brain caused by alcoholism. Unlike an older medication (disulfiram), the new ones don't make you sick if you do drink. Another benefit, none of these medications are addictive. Although medications are a great resource of treating alcohol addiction a combination of a support group, alcohol counseling or residential alcoholism treatment is highly recommended.

• Alcohol Counseling. "Talk therapy" also works well. There are several counseling approaches that are about equally effective—12 step, cognitive-behavioral, motivational enhancement, or a combination. Getting help in itself appears to be more important than the particular approach used, as long as it offers empathy, avoids heavy confrontation, strengthens motivation, and provides concrete ways to change drinking behavior.
• Specialized, Intensive Alcoholism Treatment Programs. If and individual has an old established pattern of alcohol addiction, residential alcoholism treatment facilities are the best options for the patient treatment. Residential Alcoholism Treatment Centers/Facilities are able to offer a complete array of cognitive-behavioral therapies, motivational therapies as well as family support group therapies.

 Remember—you can’t make a person deal with a drinking problem. But you can offer support and arrange an intervention.
Reach out to us. Recovery from alcoholism is just a click or a phone call away. For more information on how to arrange and intervention for your loved one contact us at:

Alcoholism Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

 Alcoholism Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237

New York Leads the Nation with Alcohol Admissions – Alcoholism Intervention

Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that New York leads the nation with 142,699 admissions for alcohol in 2008.

If you have a loved one struggling with alcoholism and denying that a problem exists you might need professional help. Denial can manifest in several ways and include the alcoholic's assertion that his drinking does not negatively affect his relationships or work performance.

If you have exhausted your options and have not been able to have your loved one get the help he/she needs to get sober you will need to intervene and get an Intervention arranged.

A trained interventionist can assist loved ones in planning an intervention that is done in a safe and loving manner. An intervention usually occurs when family and friends come together to tell the addicted individual they would like him to go into treatment.. You will be guided by your INTERVENTIONIST, who will give you support, validate your concerns, and provide guidance thorough the INTERVENTION process.

Preparation Step is a time in which you and everyone else involved in the INTERVENTION will write letters to the alcoholic or addict, describing your concerns, your feelings, the purpose for the intervention, and your hope for the future. You will also pack appropriate clothes and necessities for the individual who will enter a treatment facility.

When your loved one arrives he/she might get angry, surprised, or defensive. You might have a difficult time or an easy time, sharing your intentions of this INTERVENTION. You interventionist will explain your loved one the pain he/she has cause the family/friends, the treatment options available to him/her and the consequences of not going into alcoholism treatment.

Remember—you can’t make a person deal with a drinking problem. But you can offer support and arrange an intervention.

Reach out to us. Recovery from alcoholism is just a click or a phone call away. For more information on how to arrange and intervention for your loved one contact us at:

Alcoholism Treatment for adults and young adults:

Alcoholism Treatment for Teens:

Marijuana and the Illusion of No Harm

There is a widespread trend of drug abuse in the United States. With marijuana being a popular drug of choice and LSD, the most commonly abused hallucinogen. Research shows that about 10 percent of most college student bodies use and abuse drugs. This percentage might seem small but ten percent of a 15,000 student body is 1,500 people, which is a considerable amount just from one college campus.

The problem with marijuana use is that users do not see any harm in using it. Findings so far show that regular use of marijuana or THC may play a role in some kinds of cancer and in problems with the respiratory and immune systems. Also, smoking marijuana causes changes in the brain that are like those caused by cocaine, heroin, and alcohol.

In one study’s findings demonstrated a relationship between cannabis use and anxiety and mood disorders. The study concluded that those who smoke cannabis on a daily basis have a significantly greater chance of having an anxiety or mood disorder than those who abstain (Cheung, Mann, Ialomiteanu, Stoduto, Chan, & Rehm, 2010). One of the more interesting results from the study was that even smoking at relatively low levels (i.e once a week, or month), for some individuals an anxiety or mood disorder may still occur (Cheung, Mann, Ialomiteanu, Stoduto, Chan, & Rehm, 2010).

Another research conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a moderate dose of marijuana alone was shown to impair driving performance; the effects of a low dose of marijuana combined with alcohol were markedly greater than for either substance alone.

Therefore, thinking that marijuana causes no harm is just and illusion.

Addiction Treatment for adults and young adults: 1-888-387-6237

Addiction Treatment for Teens: 1-888-757-6237